How to Pack Your Electronics for a Long Distance Relocation

If it’s time for you to move out-of-state, then you’re probably wondering how you’re going to move all of your electronics. Numerous devices are used on a daily basis that you will probably want with you in the front seat, such as a smartphone or tablet. But there are many more that will need to be packed safely in the back of a moving truck, such as televisions, kitchen gadgets, speakers, and other music playing devices. Many of these electronic devices are expensive and easily damaged, so how do you ensure that your electronics make it safely to your new home? Packing is key, and here are a few tips to ensure that your devices make the trip safely.
Hire a Moving Company
Moving companies have the know-how to move pretty much any object. As Angels Gonzalez points out in Forbes, “People move an average of once every seven years, whereas a moving company does it every day.” It only makes sense that a moving company will also know how to move electronics such as flat-screen television sets, computers, home entertainment systems, and other easily damaged electronic devices.
Use General Electronic Packing Instructions
As a contributor answers on Moving Answers, the best option for packing your electronics is in the original boxes with the factory-made insulation. However, since most people don’t save those items, the next best option is to get bubble wrap and cardboard, and then find a TV box or electronics box. You’ll want to use the bubble wrap and the box to pack it securely. Also, never put heavier boxes on top of lighter boxes. A television and other easily-damaged objects that are also heavy should go on the bottom of a stack. If they are placed on top, they are likely to shift and fall off as the truck moves.
Plan Ahead To Make Reassembly Easier
Buzzfeed has a few tips that will make the unpacking easier if you plan. As item number 13 reminds us, you should always keep the screws and other hardware of a mounted television set in a plastic bag so that you can find them when you’re ready to unpack. Point number 15 also gives the much-needed advice of taking a picture of anything that will be complicated to put back together, such as home entertainment systems.
There are numerous elements to successfully packing all of your belongings for the big moving day. Electronics need extra care because they are especially expensive. Since many electronic items are easily damaged, you’re wise to plan out your move, use your resources, and do enough research so that you know that you won’t have an unwelcome surprise when it’s time to unpack the truck.